Friday, September 3, 2010

Newspaper Blurb and Some PCT Updates

The Beard Transition
Before and After

So it looks like the local paper here ran a followup story to the one they ran in March about my quest to hike the PCT.  You can check it out here:

Here was the article from March:

I finally had some time to process my hike a little and have quite a few thoughts I'd like to get down on here.  I wanted to do a final gear review, as well as an overall trail synopsis and review, and some "what would I do differently" thoughts.  Lastly, I wanted to try and verbalize just what I was able to get out of this mental and physical journey.  I have finished uploading all of my photos to flickr and you can look through all of their unedited glory here:

I have also uploaded all of my unedited videos to Youtube, and started a playlist.  I'm still adding videos and putting embedded links in them...but you can get to them all through my youtube channel:

In the weeks to come I will try to find time to put together a summary slide show of everything (like I usually do), but I just don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this.  Also, like I said, I will be putting up whatever thoughts I've been able to put together regarding my that it's over.

hike on my friends (or "trail run" it may be)



R A said...

The beard is huge J

Eliza Ralph-Murphy said...

I clicked on "slideshow" and took a walk on the PCT this Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing all of the amazing landscapes, rock formations, cloud formations, mountain peaks and valleys you had the great fortune to witness first hand. EJ

Boris T said...

I liked the beard, that took dedication.