Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Great Day at Black Moshannon

How can you not like baby geese?

After spending most of last week with my head buried in books, notes, and scientific journal publications, I decided I needed to unwind a bit this morning.  Last night as I was browsing through the local running club's page, I noticed that there was a 10k up at Black Moshannon today.  Naturally, I decided it was also a perfect day to dust of the kayak.  Funny, it was the same weekend last year that I dusted it off.

I've found that I've been having some fun again playing around in local 5 and 10k races.  Last weekend I ran a brutal 5k around the base of Mt. Nittany and finished in 6th place.  Even though my ideal race is anything 50 miles and longer, and I still feel that variety is, as they say, the spice of life.  I like to keep things interesting, and to always "mix it up".  Plus I figure a little speed work is always a good idea.  So naturally,

I thought, why not make the morning into my own little triathlon.....

This morning, I headed up to Black Moshannon Park, with the ol' boat on top.  I arrived 2 hours before the race, registered, and then promptly went out on a 10.5 mile trail run around the lake on the Moss-Hanne Trail.  It was a delightfully muddy disaster.  Lots of fun, lots of croaking frogs, lots of spider-webs, lots of laughing.  (So marked event 1 of my so-called triathlon).

Arriving back at my car at 9:45, I had 15 minutes to get ready for the start of the 10k race.  I pinned on my bib, swigged a liter of water, and jogged over to the start just as the announcer was giving last minute instructions.  The race was mostly flat with some rolling hills and I ran fast...but not too fast.  I made sure it hurt a little, but not so much that I wasn't able to keep a smile on.   Of course running almost 11 miles before the race probably slowed me down a tad.  I finished in 11th place, but first in my age group....*gulp*....35-39.   Still not used to saying that.  I was surprised at how much energy I had at the end.  I ended up sprinting past 5 runners in the last few tenths. (and so marked event 2 of my so-called triathlon).

After a nice cool off, I decided it was time to take out the kayak.  I hoisted her into the water and spent about an hour paddling around all the nooks and crannies of the "lake".  I don't know what it is about kayaking on open water, but no matter how crappy I feel, or how stressed out I am, it always brings me a wonderful sense of calm. least until the thunder clouds start to roll in.  I had such a relaxing tour out in the boat and when I finally did pull myself back up on land, I turned around and saw a family of geese.  What a great way to end the morning.'s raining buckets outside and I'm about to go bury my head back in the books, but for now, I am grateful to have had such a fun, energetic, and yet somehow calming morning.

My own little triathlon.

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