Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 118: Mile 2532.4 (31.8)

Location: Mica Creek

Ok soo...

Glacier peak is awesome. By far my favourite mountain on the pct (and
not just because I'm partial to glaciers). The entire day I hiked
around the snowy beast with it always in view. The cascades are
magnificent. They aren't the biggest, nor the toughest, but they have
the most character. I feel at home up here. I hiked along amazing
alpine ridges and went over several snowy passes. Amazing views to
the north.

I'm camped tonight with a trail crew that's in repairing the last of
the 2003 storm damaged trail. They've got almost all of the old
growth blow downs removed and have a new bridge over milk creek. This
means i won't have to play "jungle gym" tomorrow! Yay!

Rumor has it, that the rains are coming. Doh! It would be fitting to
go the whole trail without ever using my poncho, only to have my
border photos in the rain. C'mon rain. Hold out for just 5 more days.

Shooting for a 30 tomorrow to give myself a nice and easy nero 12 into
stehekin. Can't wait for that bakery! Then...the finale.

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