I had my foot x-rayed today at the University Health Center and I apparently have 3 of the doctors and one of the radiology technicians baffled. When I pulled my sock off, the doctor was convinced I had a stress fracture. When I got the x-ray, the technician was also convinced. When the images came up however, neither could find a definitive break. They even brought in a 2nd doctor to look and he couldn't find one either. The current diagnosis is that I strained a ligament on the edge or bottom of my foot. They've sent my x-rays to the Hershey medical center so that a Radiologist can look at them and make the final call, so I have my fingers crossed. I was told that if it's merely a sprain, I can start running again in 5-7 days (provided that pain is completely gone) If it's a break though, I will need to be off it for a while and that means Leadville is most certainly out. I have been taking it very easy since Vermont and have been continuing to ice. I'm also wearing the ski-boot they gave me to keep it stable.
I should know by tomorrow what the final diagnosis is. Let's hope....
I know how you feel! I thought I might of had a stress fx when I went to the ER in Front Royal, VA. Thankfully it was only severe shin splints, but it took like 2 weeks before the pain finally went away. Hopefully you will recoup quicker than me!
I will keep my fingers crossed that it is not something serious. I know how much you were looking forward to the Leadville race. keep me posted.
You will soon be healed and off and running again. Don't rush the healing as time off can be a blessing in disguise. Loved the race report BTW.
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