Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 96: Mile 1907.3 (36.5)

Location: Near Lils Lake

In case you cant read the data point on the map, it says "stagnant
pond". That should give you some idea of how the skeeters were
today. I don't want to be that guy that bitches about them in every
journal entry, but seriously....they get worse every day. I nearly
went insane tonight trying to cook dinner. Anyhoo...diamond mountain
today still had a lot of snow. I couldn't believe that on July 27th I
was still traversing snow fields. Crazy. No compass work or
anything, just lots of drifts. Tomorrow I hit shelter cove resort and
get my resupply. My plan after that is to hit elk lake resort the
following day and possibly get a cabin and shower.

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